Our Services
Skin Rejuvenation

Psoriasis is a chronic condition characterized by an overactive immune system, leading to the rapid multiplication of skin cells. This results in scaly and inflamed patches, primarily affecting the scalp, elbows, or knees, although other body parts may also be involved. The exact cause of psoriasis remains incompletely understood, but a combination of genetic and environmental factors is known to contribute.
Symptoms of psoriasis often follow cycles, with flare-ups lasting weeks or months, alternating with periods of remission. Treatment approaches vary based on the type and severity of the disease. Common triggers like stress and environmental factors is crucial for controlling and managing psoriasis symptoms.
Mild cases can often be effectively managed with topical creams or ointments, while more moderate to severe forms may require oral medications, biologicals, or light therapy.
Abrupt or improper discontinuation of treatment for psoriasis can potentially lead to serious complications, such as the development of conditions like erythroderma or pustular psoriasis. These complications can be severe and significantly impact the individual's health and well-being.
Vitiligo is chronic condition that causes patches of loss of skin colour. Exact cause is unknown but proposed potential triggers are immune system changes, stress, and genetic factors. Main symptom of vitiligo is progressive loss of skin colour leading to white areas of various shapes and sizes.
Vitiligo sometimes may be associated wirth other auto inflammatory conditions like thyroid disorders, psoriasis, diabetes mellitus, alopecia areata, SLE . Several treatment options are available for vitiligo according to the age distribution and stability of vitiligo. Localised lesions can be managed with topical ointments or creams. Extensive vitiligo need oral medications, phototherapy.
Vitiligo Surgery
As vitiligo poses a considerable cosmetic concern for individuals, various methods are now accessible to enhance skin appearance. Vitiligo surgery emerges as a effective alternative, especially for challenging yet stable changes that are difficult to treat through other means.
Careful analysis by a doctor and thorough discussion with the patient is very important As every type of surgical intervention carries its own set of advantages and disadvantages.
Atopic Dermatitis
Atopic dermatitis, manifests as dry, itchy, and inflamed skin with oozing and crusting in acute stage and thickened skin in chronic stage. This chronic condition tends to have periodic flare-ups. Although prevalent in young children, it can affect individuals of any age.
Individuals with atopic dermatitis face an increased likelihood of developing food allergies and asthma.
Regular moisturization and adherence to proper skincare practices can alleviate itching and decrease new flare-ups. Treatment options are many including ointments or creams for mild condition and oral medications for severe cases
Acne is an inflammatory condition commonly occurs on face , but can also appear on back, chest and shoulders. People of all races and ages get acne, but it is most common in teens and young adults. Mnay factors can affect acne like hormones, Family history, medications, age, diet stress etc.
Proper treatment can Control your acne, Avoid scarring or other damage to your skin and make already formed scars less noticeable. It can take many months or years for your acne to clear up completely.The treatment for acne depends on your age, the type and severity.
For some people treatments like chemical peeling alone or in combination with topical or oral medications may be needed.
Skin infections can be due to bacteria, viruses, fungi, or parasites. The symptoms, treatment, and outlook will depend on the cause. Correct diagnosis , proper skin care and adequate treatment is very important for its cure.
Most skin infections are treatable but if left untreated However, can become more serious by going into deeper skin or spreads across much of the body.
Urticarial and Allergy
Urticarial is a common troubling skin problem which manifests as red or skin-colored lesions that appeares and sometimes disappeares quickly, and the itching from hives may range from mild to severe.
Common triggers are some foods like peanuts, eggs, nuts and shellfish, Medications, such as antibiotics , Insect stings or bites, dust or pollens. Physical stimuli, such as pressure, cold, heat, exercise or sun exposure can also lead to urticaria.
Avoiding the trigger is a main part of management. Care analysis and proper management is needed for urticarial